ELV System Installation
ELV System Installation
Extra Low Voltage (ELV) technologies play numerous essential roles in modern-day facilities, functioning in various capabilities such as communications and personnel coordination. As professional security system integrators, MARTS can design, provide, and execute integrated ELV systems to boost the security of your property, protect your important assets, and improve your efficiency in dealing with high-alert situations.
The MAR Technical Services’s Helpdesk is operational 24 hours a day and is staffed by our own experienced personnel. The helpdesk is responsible for cradle to grave management of every job we undertake.
We know you don’t have time to chase up every job and why should you? Our Helpdesk team will keep you informed of the progress of each job and will provide you with weekly reports so that you can track the status of the work you give us.
Our helpful, experienced Helpdesk team will give you peace of mind.